Collection: Tinctures

  Full spectrum oral tinctures are ideal for chronic inflammation, discomfort, anxiety, and sleep.  We recommend using daily for maximum efficacy.  Here you can find the flavor profile that matches your palate preference. When choosing a dosage, we suggest to "start low and go slow" to titrate your dose up to the desired affect.

With 40 years of combined medical experience, we realize the need for a quality product that has been responsibly grown and harvested.  Ro. Seventeen is dedicated to improving your health and wellness. Our plants are grown from seed to harvest on our family farm and are painstakingly nurtured throughout the entire growing process. Our products are third party tested to ensure purity and potency. Ro. Seventeen products contain higher dosages than the average company. With our medical background we have reviewed countless medical studies, in order to deliver the most effective products. You owe it to yourself to choose a product that is pure, potent and effective. Ro. Seventeen is committed to producing a spectacular product that you will love.